What happens at your home

On confirmation of an Energy Perfornance Survey being performed at your home , a Domestic Energy Assessor will visit your premises to carry out a site survey.

This survey will take a snap shot of various elements surounding the building fabricts of your premises as well as, the effectiveness of heat sources and draught proofing already installed.


1) Floor plan will be drawn on all levels to highlight floor area and to count habitable rooms 

2) Measure heat loss perimeters (HLP)

3) Record building type ie. Brick with cavity Solid stone,Timber framed, Alternative building meterials backed up with photographic evedence

4) Assess all windows and doors, checking age condition and, draught proofing evedence where possible

5)Count bathrooms within property hosting baths showers and wet rooms

6) Check boiler system and related heating controls, thermostat , programmer etc.

7) Look at secondary heating systems such as gas and electric fires

8) Emersion heater tank size and location , insulation type and depth, thermostat present

9) Count light fittings - number of low energy lights / number of normal lights

10) Location of gas and electricity metes

11) Access to loft and measure insulation thickness

12) External wall thickness will be measured ,this is done usually at door openings                          

13) Conservatory photographs showing connecting door is to seperated or non seperated area

14) All of the above including front rear and side elevations of your dwelling will be photographed as evidence, this is mandatory